“I think that’s very nice,” Mr. Boal said.
“But I would like to have a mirror with some magic properties in which we could, if we don’t like the image that we have in front of us,
would allow us to penetrate into the mirror and transform our image and then come back with our image transformed.”

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Practice - Newspaper Theater

A system of eleven techniques which give the audience a way to create a production rather than viewing a finished artistic piece. The techniques are devised to help anyone to make a theatrical scene using a piece of news from a newspaper, or from any other written material.
1. The simple reading
2. The complementary reading
3. The crossed reading
4. The rhythmical reading
5. The reinforced reading
6. The parallel action
7. The historical reading
8. Improvisation
9. The concretion of abstraction
10. Text out of context
11. Insertion into the actual context.

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